Monday, October 15, 2018

King Lear Scenes 1 and 2

In Scene 2, Edmund plots against Edgar and his father for inheritance. He tricks his father into thinking that Edgar was plotting to kill him, then tricks Edgar into thinking that his father was planning to hurt him in a rage. It's easy to deduct that Edmund plans on turning the two against each other and coming out in the end on top.

In Scene 3, Cordelia's evil sisters plot against their father and mock him without his knowledge. Because of this, one can infer that something may happen to King Lear in return for his judgment of Cordelia and his false loving daughters. The daughters plot to drag the king down until they have all the power and title without obligation to their father.


They screamed, they shouted, they argued out loud
They shouted with blind eyes, heard not with ears
The world could hear them; they drew in a crowd
The crowd heard all the words, watched with their sneers.

A girl and her mother, center of all
Hatred and love, two hard faces, they clash
In the distance through pain, a crow, a call
The words she spits, across a face, a slash.

The girl wishes for her mother's demise
The mother lets out a sick chocking sound
Crowd of crows take their leave, unit they rise
Feathers and mother both collapse to ground.

Daughter stumbles back, startled by the sight
Not wanting her chest to feel quite so tight.