Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Sorrow of War

In The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh, Kien is forced to go to war and leave his life behind. Through this, Kien had to leave his childhood sweetheart, Phuong, behind, ending their relationship. Kien fought and survived the Vietnam war while most of his platoons did not survive. When he returned to his hometown, Hanoi, he discovered that Phuong had went into prostitution, yet wanted to go back to him. After officially breaking their relationship, Kien pours all of his memories and sufferings into writing, like his father did well before him. A mute girl that lived nearby spent time with him and saved his manuscripts from being burned. Through this, she gave us this book and Kien left.

Kien brought to realization as the how the Vietnam war really was. Movies and books never actually go into detail as to what people went through during and after the war. Kien had suffered through the war, wanting to be killed and accepting his fate. Despite this, when he survived, he did not feel any better about escaping. He actually felt worse, survivor's guilt making his life less meaningful to him. Kien worked the horror out of his mind by writing, sharing his memories and pain with his readers. He shows us that Kien's postwar life was worse than his actual war life, and that he wants no more than to go back to living his prewar life.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Embrace (Poem)

Cool air raising goosebumps
Cold nose breathing in
Sunlight-dappled leaves swaying
Silent whispers beyond what's seen
Reaching out to embrace the peace
Instead feeling smooth, cold glass

Classroom Responsibility

In the classroom, students must know how they should carry themselves. For one, they should remove any and all distractions. They should have the capabilities to recognize friends or acquaintances that can cause them to disrupt the class in any form. Therefore, they should inquire moving away from them to focus on the lesson. Secondly, students should know that using a phone during a lesson is also a strong distraction. Deciding that checking something unrelated to the teacher and the lesson is not only irresponsible, but a poor decision. Students should recognize and avoid any and all distractions.

Interrupting a teacher's lesson is extremely disrespectful towards ones peers and towards the instructor. By laughing at another person's distraction, one is disrupting those who want to learn and the instructor. By speaking without permission, one is also disrupting the classroom environment. Students should improve this by removing the distraction. Being mature about the situation and moving past the issue, further disruption is avoided. By this, the student avoids consequences of incorrect behavior and can absorb the lesson to its fullest. This also allows the student to hear any instructions given by the teacher without needing repetition. Being mature during an interruption can not only further the lesson, but earn respect from the instructor and others.

Too Young for an iPhone

No child should own an iPhone at a young age. First of all, at a young age, the youth does not hold the responsibility levels of someone who has a device. The child is young and should not be as engrossed in technology as they will be with an iPhone. Many parents allow their child free reign of his or her device, permitting them to search the web and download what they desire when it is not safe. The child could unknowingly download a virus, go onto a restricted site, or even release private information and be hurt due to it. Though it is true that there are existing modes in which a youth is allowed to be watched while on the device, and that the device could be used in an emergency situation, there could be different methods to follow. The youth could be given a less expensive flip phone without the poisoning use of Internet access and the ability to call someone in an emergency. Youths should not be allowed to own an iPhone, for it is not only unsafe, but also unnecessary.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Supporting a PCT thru-hiker

In the article, a man named Bill Davies thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. Thanks to the aid of his wife, he jump-started their love of trails. Bill's wife fed other hikers besides Bill, supplying them with water, food, and a place to sleep. Together, Bill and his wife are grateful that he had hiked the PCT, which they call "the crown jewel of the trails of the world that now seem like home". The article taught me that other people hike the trail for their own causes. Not everyone has to be going through a hard time in their lives to hike. Many hikers hike simply for their own pleasure. This article mentioned other trails. What are the Continental Divide, the Pyrenees GR 10, and the Compostela de Santiago? Why are trail names so significant to hikers?

Sunday, August 20, 2017

First Two Weeks

The first two weeks of school have been stressful and busy for me. For one, I have begun studying for the ACT, so my home work load has increased. I have started to wade through the never-ending pool of scholarships, searching for ones to aid in my college life. Due to the fact that I have been taking advanced classes, my work load has increased. Between my academic life and my home life, it is tough for me to go a day without a headache. I know, though, that it will be worth it in the long run. So, instead of lowering my expectations, I increase them. By doing this, I do more things that will help me in the future.

Thursday, August 10, 2017


My name is Brandi Trenier, and I am a 16 year old junior at Ben C. Rain High School. I love to read and write; I have done both ever since I was little. I am in the National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, and soon to be in Culturama.

This school year, I yearn to push myself to my limit. I desire to do my very best in all of my subjects and to absorb the material taught. I want to take another step out of my comfort zone and into the life that I will live in when I can sustain myself. Making my family proud, to let them know that I appreciate everything they've done for me, is my goal.

Though I have many goals for myself, I have goals for helping others too. I want to fully complete, at the least, thirty or more hours of community service. I want to make a change, for the better, to the lives of others in any way that I can. I want to become a better person, and I'm determined to do it right.