Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection

In A Lesson Before Dying, the ending moved me to tears. Despite what us readers expected, Jefferson could not be saved from his death, but he was changed for the better. I found it admirable how a "hog" became such an idol of strength. I also enjoyed how Jefferson was not changed through religion, but through a mutual understanding between him and Grant. Grant didn't push Jefferson into doing anything. He encouraged Jefferson and made him see the error of his ways and of the ways of others. Jefferson walked himself to the chair and shocked the people around him.

The part that moved me the most was the part when Grant revealed his emotions. In the book, Grant is known to normally hide his emotions, except for the fight at the bar. After Grant held himself together for so long, then showed his students that he was crying, I could not help but be overwhelmed also. His breakdown showed not only that he had emotions too, but that he was nothing like his old teacher. He had emotions, cared for others, and was not afraid to do what he felt like doing. Grant's display of grief greatly countered his words, that he did not care for what happened to Jefferson. He felt the impact like everyone else and his walls crumbled, displaying the sadness within, which is admirable to me.

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