Thursday, January 31, 2019

Literary 3 x 3

Confusion overrules Sanity

Opposites attract Similarity

Affection eliminates Indifference

Day 5 - The Color Purple

Celie has finally been showing some of her strength, despite the fact that Mr. ____ has been needing it. His love of Shug Avery and the degrading words of his father has made him into the older version of Harpo. Maybe he was like Harpo when he was younger, desiring a woman that has a hold over him and loving her despite everything.

I was floating before
Nothing pulled me down
My body was weightless
There was no ground

Then you appeared
And I was anchored
I was confused
And I couldn't be franker

I complained
And spoke my mind
But you didn't listen
You just smiled

"Come with me"
You said with mirth
And before I could stop you
You fell face first

I was scared
And watched you fall
But then I followed
I haven't recalled –

Falling with you
You and I are one
Our story has just started
And will never be done

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 4 – The Color Purple

Celie discovers her strength and weakness. She knows that her strength could be fighting back, but her weakness is not being brave enough to show this strength. It's been ingrained in her for so long that she is weak and useful only for wifely duties, but there is do much more to her character and future. Celie is more than a wife, she is a woman.

Whenever I find myself thinking, I reminisce on the times in which I have flashes of bravery and boldness. When I think of these moments and the impact they had on the people around me, I find myself disappointed. Why is it that when I'm being myself, it's so different and shocking that I have a personality? Why is it confusing for me to be myself? True, I'm usually quiet in a classroom unless it isn't required of me, but am I truly so much a recluse that no one knows that I am human too? That I have blood in my veins, eyes that see, ears that hear, a mind that thinks, and a heart that feels?

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Day 3

My weekend was spent thinking about what I have as my own. I have my mind, my opinions, my body, my soul, my conscience. If I don't have control over what is mine, there's no way to promise success in my future. Too many opinions can overrule your knowledge of what's right and wrong, leading one to only follow what they feel is right instead of what is actually right.

There's also the fact that no one can actually tell for themselves if something makes them different. One may think they are normal just like everyone else, then find out they have a disability or a disorder. One may think they have a disorder and may use that thinking to justify their actions, when their opinions are simply blinding them from the truth.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Day 2 - The Color Purple

Celie is given to Mr. as a way for her father to rid of her, likely to get to Nettie. When Celie goes with Mr., she finds out that the life given to her is riddled with the wild children of Mr. and feigning affection for him.

Today was filled with a sense of duty. Learning to be leader in anything is gradual for many people. It's important to think and also to rely on instinct. When they combine in the best of ways, a leader is born.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Day 1 - The Color Purple

Celie is a girl learning about the world around her. Her father sexually abused her repeatedly and her mother was oblivious until death. Through Celie's struggle with protecting her little sister from her father, she learns about herself as a person under her father's supposed care.

Today, I learned that there is only so far one can think highly of themselves. We are all told as humans to be confident with ourselves, but confidence seems to lead people to not succeeding. It seems like if one is nervous and unsure, the most success comes from the source of the feelings.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Vocabulary Quiz 2

Idiosyncratic: Peculiar or individual

Canonical: According to canon law

Modicum: A small quantity of a particular thing

Armed Confrontation: The clashing of forces or ideas

Eminence: Famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession

Freighted: burdened

Censure: To express severe disapproval of in a formal manner

Frivolous: Not having any serious purpose or matter

Banality: Unoriginality

Trite: Lacking originality or freshness

Canonically, even the most modicum of banality is enough to make any matter frivolous. The average idiosyncratic person is freighted to be trite despite the censure of those who have armed confrontations with the eminent unoriginal person.

Vocabulary Quiz

Contentious: causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial

Apostrophe: a figure of speech represented by an exclamation

Paradox: absurd or self-contradictory state that may be true

Anaphora: repetition of a word or phrase successively

Dearth: a lack of something

Incongruous: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings

Opulence: ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish

Superficiality: existing or occurring at or on the surface

Enjambment: continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line

Lament: a passionate expression of grief or sorrow

The lament of mourning crowd has the possibility of being contentious. Their speech could be filled with paradoxes and incongruous statements that astonish others. Their dearth of containment and unrestrained anaphoras are responded only by swift apostrophes. Their appearance displayed superficial opulence, but their words were anything but, every enjambment making their words cluttered and sentences befuddling.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Poem to Scott Lawrence

It’s okay to not live up to your family’s legacy

If you were to do that, you may have a lot of difficulties

Whatever you feel is best for you

Do that to show the real you

I know you’re struggling to be something you’re not

But dreams aren’t supposed to be stagnant and rot

Believe what feel and feel what you believe

Dreams are like manners, they deserve better treatment

Monster Creation Reflection

Creation is something that takes time and deep contemplation. Creating Scott Lawrence meant that my group was responsible for making our monster who he is and that nothing is left uncovered. We had to make sure he had a personality that fit his body and that fit our imaginations. True, we did have arguments with his general creation, but we compromised in the end with what was best for Scott Lawrence and satisfied each other's preference.

Though challenging, the activity was exciting because the monster we created, our creation, was who we wanted him to be. Despite the fact that he has a complicated backstory, Scott Lawrence turned out to be the creation our group desired.

Poem about Scott Lawrence

Good and Evil With No Soul

A legacy of savagery
A legacy of evil
A legacy of murder
But evil is not born
A creature lost
Between real and unreal
A creature lost in between good and evil
A creature made with no soul
Mixing the creature in a militias bowl
All can be good or evil with no soul

Scott Lawrence Origins

       M. Lawrence was by birth an American. During his creation, the lands surrounding the hidden, desolate shack he was born in became a tone quieter than before. The world knew that another monster was born. Twas likewise when the monster's son was born decades later. These monsters, father and son, reeked havoc upon the lands, creating for themselves a reputation of desolation and a path of souls and desperation. In a thirst for more destruction the father, P. Lawrence, had an idea that would affect not only the lives of the people, but also of his own.

       The two Lawrence men raided villages and ripped, tore, and slaughtered their way to finding the best limbs and pieces possible. Through these means, a son was born.

       The son, Scott Lawrence, was exactly what he was not supposed to be. He healed instead of killed, gave instead of stole, and brought life where his father and grandfather took it away. Therefore he was cast out of his family's graces.

       In anger and hurt, he stepped into his fathers' shoes and began his own coping of destruction and blame. He was becoming what his father wanted until he stopped. His eyes beheld something he had never witnessed in the lands of his crooked family. A garden of delicacy and vulnerability with a girl tending to each one.

       "Why do you water that ugly plant?" Scott had asked in a tone of bitter resentment. He found himself relating to the ugly plant with its rotten color and lumpy leaves.

       "Because," she responded, meeting his eyes (not his ugly appearance) and seeing him for who he truly was. "It's still a plant and deserves to grow as all the others. An appearance is just the gates to a beautiful garden."